Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1904, June 17

My dear Wolcott:- Your favor of the 14th instant at hand. I have just received a letter from Furnas regarding the matter of form as suggested in my recent letter to yourself. Furnas says, “Arrange the bird article to suit your own taste and convenience, provided the cost will not be materially increased in any respect. As you know I am pressed for space this year, but I wish your contribution complete and to your satisfaction.
With reference to Nytanassa violacea for the Yellow-crowned night heron, I think that Swenk took especial pains to look this up since he insisted on its being changed. I asked him if he was sure and he said that he was. I have not looked it up but will do so before I go to Omaha, which will be either tomorrow or Monday, for a final conference with the printers.
I understand that there are now registered 235 Summer school students. Gave my talk last night and now am free. Success to you. Yours very truly,