Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, Feb. 15

The University of Nebraska

Department of
Entomology and Ornithology
Lawrence Bruner, Professor
Entomologist, Experiment Station
Acting State Entomologist

Prof. D. Lange,
Central High School,
St. Paul, Minn.

My Dear Sir:-
In compliance with your request of NOv. 18th last I mailed you along with bill (75 cents) for same 1 copy of Birds of Nebraska. Not having heard from you to date, I am wondering whether or not my letter or the book went astray in the mails.
Yours &c.
Lawrence Bruner.

Feb. 15th 1905
It came O.K. Many thanks. Its a fine report. I enclose 75 cents.
Yours D Lange