Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, Feb. 21

Klopp & Bartlett Omaha, Nebr.
Gentlemen:- I have taken the time to go over the Preliminary Review of Nebraska Birds and mark all of the changes that have been made in the paper as appearing in the State Board of Agriculture report and as it was later corrected for the separates. You will remember that the change of capitalization in the index should not be included here since you did not follow copyin the first place neither did you send the proof before printing it. You can see for yourself that $33+ is too much for these changes. With regard to the binding, will simply say that I had one hundred copies of my former report, which I left with you for a sample, bound by the State Journal Co. for $16.00. That paper contained more pages than yours did and has better binding. I have also gone to a local binder in Lincoln for the price on binding the other 500 copies of the separates you printed and he has given me a price of from 12 to 15 cents per copy, in no case to be more than 15 cents and possibly less. So I feel that I have already paid you for the binding and that the only difference existing between us remains in connection with the extra charges made. Yours very truly,