Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, Jan. 19
Lincoln, Nebr. Jan. 19, 1904.
Chief Deputy Game Warden, City. My Dear Sir:- As the time is approaching when birds begin to appear, it is necessary that we take out our permits for the present year. Will you therefore kindly have such permits made for the following named persons: Lawrence Bruner, Myron H. Swenk, Robt. H. Wolcott, August Riche, Geo. M. Pineo, of Lincoln, Harry Smith, Broken Bow, Rev. J. M. Bates, Red Cloud, Nebr., Robt. W. Limbert, Omaha. I have the dollar for Mr/ Pinoe’s prmit but the others I wish to have charged and included in the bill of the University, Department of Entomology and Ornithology. This would make seven permits. When made out please mail same to me as there are instructions which I wish to have accompany each. Yours very truly,