Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, June 1
Miss Agnes M. Dawson, 3510 Jackson St. Omaha, Nebr.,
Dear Madam:- I have your interesting epistle of the 27th instant in which you safely land Mr. Swenk from the dizzy heights to the depths below by means of a grape vine. We certainly had a very pleasant time and a profitable trip although the list of birds was not as large as it might have been with a party of two or three. We are always pleased to add new devotees to Ornithology and to have the knowledge of seventy or more such students in a single locality certainly brings pleasure to us. I have just received a note from E. Wallace’s brother, B.S. Wallace, who writes that some of the teachers in Omaha wish to secure birds for scientific study and have asked to obtain them from him. Do you know anything about the matter and whether or not the specimens are to be preserved in the schools or city library. Mr. Wallace has asked me to nd him a permit from the Game Warden for taking such specimens, and as the law is quite explicit in this matter, I wish to learn something definite from the teachers side. E. Wallace always had such a permit but at present he is not in Omaha. Please write me as soon as possible concerning this matter. Yours very truly,