Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, June 23

Robt. W. Limbert, 4032 Decatur St., Omaha, Nebr.
My Dear Sir:- I have your favor of the 21st instant with reference to your securing a state permit for taking specimens of song, insectivorous and other birds for scientific purposes. In reply I will say that I will confer with the game warden concerning the matter and if he dicides to issue the permit will have him do so at once and forward the same to you. Of course you understand that the law requires that persons receiving such permits are to be credited collectors for some educational institutions- a college or university, and that under these restrictions great care must be taken to avoid unnecessary killing of birds. A report of all birds killed during the year must be made to the game warden. If this permit is issued I shall ask that it be as a credited collector of the University of Nebraska. Yours very truly,