Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1905, May 16
Lincoln, Nebr., May 16, 1905. Miss Agnes M. Dawson, 3510 Jackson Ave. Omaha, Nebr.
My Dear Madam:- On Sunday when Miss -ood and Miss McDonald were down here looking up the birds of the salt marshes of this vicinity they intimated that they would like to have some of us come up there and chaperon a party of bird-loving Omaha people on a trip to Child’s Point. We have been looking the matter up and find that it will be possible for us to make such a trip this coming Saturday. In case you can get together a crowd please notify us at once. We would leave on the early train and could meet the party about seven A. M. at the Paxton Hotel from which we could take a car to Albright and then walk in the woods. Yours very truly,