Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1906, Dec. 14
Dec. 14th 1906.
Mr. Frank M. Chapman, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y.
My Dear Chapman:- Your letter of Dec. 4th came duly to hand, but was not replied to at once for the reason that I have been trying to find time for a meeting with Welcott and Swank in order to talk over the illustrations which you wrote about. Since you were hers last spring, the B Regente have turned the Ornithology over to the Zoological Department, hence I have nothing to do with the birds in an official capacity. Prof. Wolcott may be the teacher of that subject, though I am not positive as yet. Possibly I will be in New York during the Holidays and if so I will certainly see you at that time. Yours very truly,