Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1906, Feb. 19
Miss Margaret F. Thompson, Doane College, Crete, Nebr.
Dear Madam:- Yours of the 16th instant at hand. Am glad to hear of the organization of the Doane Bird Club, and certainly hope that you will have a very enthusiastic membership, that you will get much original information on Nebraska birds from your combined efforts, and that the notes gathered from time to time will add greatly to our knowledge of our birds. With reference to my coming down to give you a bird lecture before long, I would refer you to Miss Guiwits who will write you concerning this matter. I do this for the reason that we have here what is known as the University Lecture Bureau and all the correspondance concerning lectures given by members of the University faculty is carried on through this bureau. I am handing your letter to her and you will receive a reply either today or tomorrow. With kindest regards, and best wishes for the success of the bird club, I remain, Yours very truly,
P. S. With reference to a book for determining our Nebraska birds would say that I know of no single work at a reasonable price that will answer as well as our little 75-cent book on Nebraska Birds. The next best would be Apgar’s Birds of the Eastern United States, the cost of which I believe is $1.00 or $2.00 Your lantern would undoubtedly be of the right size for the slides I use, so if I should decide on a lantern talk, your lantern would be as good as any, besides saving expenses-L.B.