Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1906, Feb. 23
Mr. E. L. Lefebure, 227 Masonic Temple, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
My Dear Sir:- Yours of Febr. 21st at hand. I am much interested in your account of what Mr. J. C. Mountjoy has stated in a book which he has printed concerning the Black Crowned Night Heron and Ignis fatuis. Mr. Mountjoy certainly misquotes me in this matter. I may have mentioned the fact in his hearing that it has been reported by hunters and other persons that herons are responsible for such lights but I never gave the specific information that the Black Crowned Night heron is the responsible party. I myself have never seen this phenomenon and would refer you to a certain book entitled Living Lights written by one Holder, I forget the initials, but a publication coming from Scribners. Trusting that this brief statement from me will be satisfactory, I remain. Yours very truly,