Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Letter, 1906, Nov. 27

Mr. J. B. Dinsmore, Sutton, Nebr.
My Dear Sir: I have your favor of yesterday concerning terms etc. in connection with a lecture on the birds of Nebraska. In reply will say that I usually receive $10 and expenses for talks of this kind, when they are no farther away from here than Sutton. Is this lecture to be given in connection with a farmers institute, or is it a special one by itself? Do you have electric lights, and would it be possible to connect with your system, so as to use an electric lantern? If not would you be willing to pay $5 additional, and the expenses for a person to operate an acetylene lantern? I myself am provided with transportation, and possibly could secure the aid of a lantern operator who has transportation also. When would you want this lecture? Please let me know concerning the points I mentioned, at an early date. Yours very truly,