Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Lawrence Bruner, Note, 1904 (2)

cost paper copies $118.50 100 – 100 pp. 26% 30.81 149.31 drayage & frt. 2.05 151.36 total cost.
33.40 still claimed
$184.76 possible cost.
Each copy 28 1/2 cents 185 ) 160.000 324 455 1450 1370 800 740 60
$ 160 from Furnas 324 copies to be shared 2 copies Excess over number
326 or 109 apiece.
Charged Swenk 3 + 7 for cloth copies sent complimentary instead of paper.
Wolcott 11
Leaving Swenk 99 Bruner 109 Wolcott 98 66 copies N.O.U. shared 22 22 22 Set aside for N.O.U 20 20 20 58 67 56
Swenk has in additional lg share set aside (20) not used, claim on copies represented by 1/3 amount of disputed claim – ($33.40)