Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNebraska Ornithologists’ Union
Letters, 1915, July
1915, July 26
publica de Cuta a de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo Servicio de Veterinarios
Habana July the 26th. 1915. Rec’d Aug 2 1915
Dr. E. A. Brunett Director of the Experimental Station at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Sir: During the last few months our Republic has been carrying on scientific experiments in an endeavor to ascertain whether or the Cathartes Aura is a blessing or a menace to any country in which it may abound. There are many who contend that the Turkey Buzzard is one of the most efficient means of transmitting various diseases such as, Anthrax, Black Leg, Hog Cholerra etc. from one section of the country to another, thus infecting all animals susceptible to these epidemics within the reach of their visits. There are others who contend that such vulture or buzzard is the scavenger of nature, and as such, a blessing. We are desirous to secure official information in ragard to the matter, hence I beg you to answer the following questions: I: Does this bird in your estimation transmit Anthrax, Black Leg or any other diseases from one section of the country to another after having fed on dead animals that are infected ?
II. Does the law in your state or section protect this bird, or does it justify and aid in its destruction through offering bounties or otherwise? III. Is there literature on the subject, and if so, where can it be secured? IV. We will greatly appreciate your opinion on the above, which will aid us very materially in formulating proposed laws in regard to the future of the Turkey Buzzard in Cuba. Awaiting your reply, I remain, Yours very truly, Bernardo J. Crespo
Address: Dr. Bernardo J. Crespo Chief
of Veterinary Services Department of Agriculture Habana, Cuba.