371-00099Dr. S. R. Towne, President Miss Joy HIggins, Sec The Omaha Audubon Society, For the Protection of Birds 544 South Thirtieth Street Omaha, 190 RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY OMAHA AUDUBON SOCIETY JULY 13, 1903. WHEREAS, It has come to the knowledge of this, the Omaha Audubon Society, that the timber on the tract of land along the Missouri river bank in Sarpy County is being rapidly removed; and WHEREAS, This tract has for years been the home of a great number and variety of song and insectivorous birds, and is about the only home for them in this part of our state – the same being true of a plant-life more or less rare in all the west, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Society second any wise and practical effort made by the general or state government, as suggested by the recent letter of Pres. David R. Kerr of Bellevue College, to prevent this forest destruction. RESOLVED, that our Society be instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to the Natural History Department of our State University, and also to the Department of Agriculture of the United States at Washington. Pres. S. R. Towne, M.D. Secy. Joy Higgins