Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Organising Committee, Letter, 1905, June

Sir, The Organising Committee has the honour to invite you to attend the Fourth International Ornithological Congress, which will be held in London this year, under the presidency of Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe, of the British Museum (Natural History), as was decided during the last Congress at Paris in 1900.
The Congress will be held from the 12th to 17th of June, inclusive, and arrangements are being made for Excursions during the following week.
The price of Subscription for Membership has been fixed at 1 pound (= 20 Mks. = 25 frs.), and all Members will receive a copy of the published proceedings of the Congress. Ladies may be admitted as Members on the same terms, or they may participate in all the privileges of Membership, but without receiving the printed report, on payment of 10s. (= 10 Mks. = 12 frs. 50 cents.).
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer (Mr. C. E. Fagan, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.), or they may be paid at the commencement of the Congress, but in the latter case you are requested to send notice of your intention to be present to one of the Secretaries.
Members intending to read papers are requested to communicate particulars of the same as soon as possible to one of the Secretaries.
The Meetings will be divided into General Meetings and Meetings of Sections. The Sections will be as follows:–
(I.) Systematic Ornithology, Geographical Distribution, Anatomy and Palæontology; (II.) Migration; (III.) Biology, Nidification, Oology; (IV.) Economic Ornithology and Bird Protection; (V.) Aviculture.
It is expected that many interesting papers on these various subjects will be forthcoming.
Yours faithfully, Ernst J. O. Hartert, J. Lewis Bonhote (Joint Secretaries.)
Fourth International Ornithological Congress, London, June 12th to 17th, 1905.
PATRON. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G.
Honorary Presidents. H.R.H. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Alfred Russel Wallace, D. C. L., LL.D., F.R.S.
President-Elect. R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D., Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, S.W.
Treasurer. C. E. Fagan, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, S.W.
Secretaries. Ernst J. O. Hartert, Ph.D., Tring, Herts. England. J. Lewis Bonhote, M.A., Ditton Hall, Fen Ditton, Dambs., England.
Organising Committee. President Treasurer Secretaries ex-officio. F. Du Cane Godman, D.C.L., F.R.S. E. G. B. Meade-Waldo.
W. R. Ogilvie-Grant. F. Penrose, M.D. Hon. Walter Rothschild, Ph.D., M.P. P. L. Sclater, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. H. F. Witherby.
General Committee. Great Britain and ireland. The Right Hon. Lord Avebury, P.C., F.R.S. Captain G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton. Richard M. Barrington, LL.D. His Grace the Duke of Bedford, President of the Zoological Society. Edward Bidwell.
Great Britain and Ireland—continued. W. T. Blanford, F.R.S., LL.D. Sir Walter Lawry Buller, Sc.D., F.R.S. A. G. Butler. H. E. Dresser. W. Eagle Clarke. A. H. EVans, M.A. Col. H. W. Feilden
Great Britain and Ireland—continued H. O. Forbes, LL.D. Hans Gadow, Ph.D., F.R.S. Lt.-Col. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S. Albert Gunther, M.D., F.R.S. J. H. Gurney. J. E. Harting. John Harvie-Brown. A. O. Hume. Sir H. H. Johnstone, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. The Right Hon. Sir Herbert E. Maxwell, Bt., F.R.S., M.P. John Guille Millais. P. Chalmers Mitchell, M.A., D.Sc., Secretary to the Zoological Society of London. J. Henry Pearson. W. P. Pycraft. W. H. St. Quointin. The Hon. N. C. Rothschild, M.A. Howard Saunders, Secretary to the British Ornithologists’ Union. D. Seth-Smith. Capt. G. E. Shelley. W. B. Tegetmeier. Archibald Thorburn. The Rev. H. B. Tristram, LL.D., F.R.S., Canon of DurhamLord Walsingham, LL.D., F.R.S. Joseph I. S. Whitaker. Lt.-Col. Wardlaw-Ramsay. W. E. De Winton.
Australia. Alfred North. Charles W. De Vis. Dudley Le Sonef.
Austria-Hungary. Carl Hellmayr. Dr. Lorenz Ritter von Liburnau. Otto Herman. Dr. Julius von Madarasz. Othmar Reiser. Victor Ritter von Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen.
Belgium. Dr. Alphonse Dubois.
Borneo. Charles Hose, D.Sc.
Brazil. Dr. Emil A. Goeldi Dr. Herman von Ihering.
Bulgaria. Dr. Paul Leverkuhn, Hofrat
Canada. J. H. Fleming.
Canary Islands. Don Anatael Cabrera y Diaz.
Cape Colony. W. L. Sclater, M. A.
China. C. B. Rickett F. W. Styan. J. D. D. La Touche.
Denmark. Herluf Winge. Dr. Knud Andersen.
Egypt. Capt. Stanley S. Flower.
France. M. J. de Claybrooke. Baron Jules de Guerne. M. le docteur Remy Saint-Loup. M. le docteur Emile Oustalet. M. le docteur Louis Bureau.
Germany. Graf Hans von Berlepsch. Freiherr Hans von Berlepsch. Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Rud. Blasius. Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Wilh Blasius. Prof. Dr. Jean Cabanis Dr. Otto Finsch. Prof. Dr. Anton Reichenow. Herman Schalow.
Greece. Dr. Th. Kruper.
Holland. F. E. Blaauw. Dr. J. Buttikofer.
India. E. C. Stuart Baker.
Italy. Conte E. Arrigoni degli Oddi. Dr. H. H. Giglioli. Dr. Giacinto Martorelli. Conte Tommaso Salvadori, M. D.
Japan. Dr. Isao Ijima.
Java. Max Bartels.
Norway. Prof. R. Collett.
Portugal. Prof. J. V. Barboza Du Bocage.
Russia. Dr. Valentin Bianchi. S. A. Buturlin.
Russia—continued. Professor Dr. M. Menzbier. Harald Baron Loudon. Dr. A. Palmen. Dr. P. Suschkin.
Spain. Don Salvador Castello y Cabreras. Prof. Don Martinez-Gomez.
Sweden. Prof. Dr. Einar Lonnberg. Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjostedt.
Switzerland. Prof. Dr. Victor Fatio. Prof. Dr. Studer.
United States of America. Joel Asaph Allen, Ph. D. F. M. Chapman. D. G. Elliot. Chas. W. Richmond. Robert Ridgway. Leonhard Stejneger.