Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, R.A. Cooley, Letter, 1905, Dec. 16

Department of Biology, R. A. Cooley, Professor of Zoology and Entomology State Entomologist W.W. Jones, Instructor in Botany
Bozeman, Montana. Dec. 16, 1905.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Dear Prof. Bruner: There appears to be a growing interest among our students in bird life and I think I shall subscribe to a bird magazine for use of the students and am writing to you to ask your advice as to what one to get. This magazine I want for beginners in ornithology and want it to be general popularity and not too elementary. I wish it to stimulate the scientific spirit among the pupils, at the same time a love of bird life. I will be grateful for your opinion. Yours truly, R.A. Cooley