Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Rupert E. Preston, Letter, 1905, Mar. 15
MAR 21, Ans’d
Dear Sir & Friend: —I move about so much in professional work and find my books so heavy, and costly to carry, that I have decided to sell most of my works on Ornithology. I have the 1st and the 2nd volumes of Bendire’s Life Histories of North American Birds, recently bound at a cost of $3.00 per volume, never used, and in perfect condition:- they are new and not the least soiled. I thought perhaps you would know of some one that would buy them:- will accept whatever you consider a fair price and ship subject to examination before purchasing. I also have “Hawks and Owls” by Fischer, in good condition. Should you not know of anyone that will buy the books, please write anyhow and give me the address of some good Ornithological publication so that I can advertise them for sale. Yours Very Truly Rupert E. Preston. 1825 Jefferson St. Kansas City, Mo.
Mch. 15, 1905.