Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsBotanical Seminar Club Documents and Records
Documents and records from and about the Sem. Bot. Club.
Botanical Seminar Calendar
Front Cover of the 1922-1923 Sem Bot Calendar. 1922-1923. Sem. Bot. Club.(120705-00026)
Botanical Seminar Calendar
Inside the 1922-1923 Sem Bot Calendar, listed are dates and events taking place. 1922-1923. Sem. Bot. Club. (120705-00027)
Botanical Seminar Meeting Pamphlet
Sem Bot Meeting Pamphlet, 20th Anniversary. 10-11-1906. Sem. Bot. Club.(120705-0028)
Botanical Seminar Meeting Pamphlet
Inside of 20th Anniversary Sem Bot Meeting Pamplet. Lists information about meeting time, lectures from professors, convocation, and initiation. 10-11-1906. Sem. Bot. Club. (120705-00029)
Botanical Seminar Summons
A summons to appear for admission into Sem Bot Club Intiation. 12-13-1923. Sem Bot. Club. (120705-00032)
Examination Summons
A summons letter to appear for examination to be admitted into Sem Bot Club. 1907. Sem. Bot. Club. (120705-00033)
Prunus Pie Songs
Ritual songs that the Sem Bot Club sing, both in English and in Latin. Sem Bot. Club. (120705-00039)
Botanical Seminar Calendar
Cover reads” The Sem. Bot. Calendar for the Year XXVI,” published for the Botanical Seminar 1911-1912. 1911. Sem. Bot. Club.(120705-02036)
Examination Packet Cover
Cover of handwritten Examination Packet of DeAlton Saunders, Nov., for degree of Sem. By the Examiners of the Sem. Bot. Club. 12-20-1893. Sem. Bot. Club.(120705-03350)
Examination Packet Cover
Cover of handwritten Examination Packet of C.A. Turrell for degree of Candidatus by the Examiners of the Sem. Bot. 6-6-1894. Sem Bot. Club. (120705-03354)
Examination packet cover
Cover of handwritten Examination Packet of D.A. Saunders, Cand. By the Examiners of the Sem. Bot. 4-14-1893. Sem Bot. Club. (120705-03355)
Botanical Seminar Invitation
Formal document with seal inviting Charles Bessey to convocation. Reads: “Pie Canis Pie. The Sem Bot to Dr. C.E. Bessey, Greeting: You are hereby cited and admonished to be and appear at a Convocation of the Sem. Bot. to be holden at the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Nebraska on the twenty-first day of November in the year of our Lord 1891 and of the Sem. Bot. the fourth, at 8 o’clock P.M. and to have then and there this writ under penalty of 500 decafs. Witness the Great Seal of the Sun. Bot. this sixteenth day November in the year last year about written, and show me a lit. W.d.l. Microtome Sem.”11-21-1891. Sem. Bot. Club. (120705-02037)