Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsSigma Delta Epsilon
Organization Meeting Minutes, 1931-1932
Jan 22, 1931
Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory
At the close of a picnic supper consisting of chicken noodle soup, salad, etc and delicious pie Dr. Hurbut [sic] introduced Miss Walker, who is a cousin of Drs Elda + Leva Walker. Miss Walker spoke very interestingly of her experiences as a missionary in China.
Miss Roerden talked then of her experience at the National Meeting of the Assn. for the Advancement of Science, which this year was held in Cleveland. She had been unable to attend Sigma Delta Epsilon Meetings and so was unable to give a report.
Dr. Hurbut [sic] announced that Iota Chapter was greatly honored by Sigma Delta Epsilon this year by the Election of Dr. Leva Walker as National President.
Clara Winter

Mrs. Balke was hostess to the Chapter at her home. Supper was a delicious affair of Chicken a la king, hot rolls, jelly, salad and banana whip with coffee and cake.
After a vote of thanks to [illegible] the committee Dr. Hurbut introduced Miss Norris. Miss Norris discussed Problem of a Seed Analyst.
Miss Runge, who was in attendance at the National Convention at Cleveland report on the proceedings there of Sigma Delta Epsilon. She reported that it was decided
Not to appoint a Permanent Secretary this year.
There will be no fellowship fund because as yet there is a lack of sufficient funds.
Problems of absent – now – [illegible] members were discussed, also honorary members.
The Chapter voted to send flowers and a note of condolence to Dr. Ewan who was called away by the death of her brother.
Clara Winter
Guests present were
Cronelia Weaver – Bot Mrs. L.C. Walker –
Edith Curry – Zoo. Catherine Carter – Chem
Beulah Gorden – H. Ec. Lucile Hae – Chem
Lilliam Johnson– “ “ Edith Anderson
Margaret Osborne– “ “ Jennie Barning – Pharm.
Alpha Xe Delta with Miss Runge.
Miss Runge was hostess of the Alpha Xi Delta House.
Dr. Elda Walker gave an illustrated talk (with actual specimen) on Gametophytes of Several Species of Equisetum.
Dr. Hurlbut announced that the next meeting would be held after 3rd quarter exams and the final meeting would be in form of a picnic as is customary.
Dr. Shipman + Dr. Rice asked to be remembered to the Chapter members.
Dr. Hurbut had received a note of appreciation from Dr. McEwan for the flowers sent her by the chapter.
After program + business meeting everyone adjourned to the dining room for bridge Miss Runge served a lovely luncheon after the games. She was assisted by Marion Williams + Miss Sweet + Miss Bartholomew
Clara Winter
A short business meeting was held in Dr. Hurbut’s office at 5 o’clock
The following bills were allowed
$11 – scholarship fund to Maud Bennet at Northwestern
$4 to Dr. Hurlbut for flowers
$.60 to Miss Bartholomew
The Chapter voted in favor of the printing of a new National Directory, 1931-2.
The following were elected to membership, initiation to take place June 1st at the home Drs. Walkers if weather permitted in the garden.
Jennie Banning – Pharmacy
Lucile Hae – Chemistry
Edith Curry – Geology
Margaret Osborne – Home Ec.
A committee consisting fo Marion Williams, Frieda Roerden, Idella Jenkins and Dr. Morse was appointed to take charge of arrangements for the initiation supper.
Clara Winter.
Spring Initiation
At a garden party at the lovely home of Drs. Walker the following were initiated on June 1st.
Jennie M. Banning – Pharmacy
Lucile Hae – Chemistry
Margaret Osborne – Home Economics
After an informal supper in the garden the ceremonies were held under a vine covered arbor by candlelight the insignia and colors of the organization being arranged on a small table.
Dr. Morse welcomed the new members and Miss Banning gave the response
A short business meeting followed a vote of thanks to the committee was passed upon.
It was decided to send a note and some flowers to Miss Barbour. A suggestion was made that hereafter officers be elected in the Spring in place of the Fall so as to insure the presence of a full [illegible] of officers at the beginning of the new
The remainder of the evening was spend informally – Due of the most enjoyable hours being when everyone elaborated upon her plans for the summer.
The following were present.
Miss Williams Miss Osborne
Miss Roerden Mrs Winter
Dr. Morse
Mrs. Blake
Miss Walker
Miss Norris
Miss Langevin
Dr. Hurbut
Miss Esther Anderson
Dr. McEwan
Miss Rigdon
Miss Peters
Dr. Gibbons
Miss Bartholomew
Dr. E.R. Walker
Dr. L.B. Walker
Miss Hae
Clara Winter – sec

Bessey Hall, Rm 119 Oct 1, 1931
Dr. Morse presided at the meeting in a absence of Dr. Hurbut. The following officers were elected.
President – Dr. Morse
Vice Pres. Miss Esther Anderson
Sec. Mrs. Clara Winter
Treas. Miss Lilliam Langeorn
Dr. Esther Anderson was appointed chairman of the social committee. It was suggested that the complete program for the year should be arranged and posted as that members can keep dates open for meetings.
Dr. Leva Walker, botany, was appointed chairman of the first meeting. It was agreed to plan a picnic to which all graduate women in science were to be invited.
Clara Winter
Because of raining weather the picnic was held in-doors at the home of Dr. Walker. All graduate women in Science were invited. After a picnic supper and social hour, Dr. Morse presented the following women to be voted upon by the Chapter for National Honorary Membership to ΣΔE.
Dr. Aunce Tump Connan – Astronomy
Dr. Cornelia M Clapp – Zoology
Miss Alice Evans – Bacteriology
Dr. Margaret Ferguson – Botany
Dr. Alice Hamilton – Medicine
Miss Maud Slye – Pathology
Dr. Bertha Van Hooser – Medicine
Dr. Margaret Flay Hashburn – Psychology
Dr. Anna Bell Whieler – Math
The qualifications of the women were read and discussed. All are women of remarkable ability and achievement in science and would honor the organization by their membership. The vote was unanimously in favor of accepting them as candidates for national honorary membership.
The following members were present
Dr. McEwan Mrs Klassner
Miss Barbour Miss Esther Anderson
Miss Norris Dr. L. Walker
Mrs. Blake Dr. E. Walker
Dr. Anderson Mrs. Winter
Miss Peters
Dr. Morse
– guests:
Latta Oliver – Geog
Irene Roseborough – H. Ec.
Mildred Krouch – Geog
Mildred Knight – Geog
Mattice Mumford – Geog
Minna Dentoin – H. Ec.
Anna May Kimmill – Bot
Ruth Eloese Sperry.
Clara Winter
Oct 21, 1931 Room 208, Chemistry Hall
The Meeting was called to order by Dr. Morse
The following graduate women and instructors were suggested for membership: Latta Oliver, Geog, Dr. Minna Denton, Home Ec, Rose Clark, Geog, Mrs. Blare (Ida Carr), Ruth Elorse Sperry,
Since two-thirds of active members are required for election of new members and only six members were present it was decided to call another meeting at 5 o’clock, Thursday, Oct. 21 in Dr. McEwan’s laboratory.
Clara Winter – Sec
Oct 21, 1931 Dr. McEwans Lab
The meeting was called to order by dr. Morse. The following women were suggested for membership.
1 Miss Lilliam Johnson – H. Ec.
2 Miss Beulah Gorden – H. Ec.
3 Dr. Minna Denton H. Ec.
4 Mc Sutock H. Ec.
5 Violet Hachnen Math.
Mrs. Ida Carr Blare
Miss Rose B. Clarke – Geog
Miss Dorothy Johnson – Zoo Entomology
Miss Latta Oliver – Geog
Mattice Mumford – Geog 13. Ruth Eloise Sperry
Violet Chan – Zoo.
Miss Ferris – Zoo.
A motion was made that those women be considered eligible who have started work and who, it is quite well understood, well finish their degree in the spring or summer. This motion was lost. It was suggested, however, that an early initiation be held next semester at which time those who are not quite qualified now but may be then, can be made members of the Chapter.
A motion was made that we go thru the suggested list of candidate + vote on each separately. Carried.
Of the names listed above the first sever were elected Mrs. Blake was to inquire about Miss Dorothy Johnson + if she were found to come up to the standards of the others she would be automatically elected.
Dues for the year were collected
Meeting adjourned – Clara Winter
Nov. 11, 1931 University Club 5:00 PM
Fall Initiation
Dr. Morse presided over the Initiation ceremonies which followed the traditional customs. The initiates were Mrs. Ida Carr Blare, Dr. Minna C. Denton, Miss Beulah Gorden, Miss May O Mackentaosh, Miss Violet Wachner, and Mis Lilliam M. Johnson. Following initiation the year’s officers were installed by Dr. McEwan, past president. The officers installed
Dr. Morse – president
Dr. Esther Anderson – vice president
Mrs. Clara Winter – secretary
Miss Mary L. Langeven – treasurer
The evening’s further program consisted of an enjoyable dinner and talks by members
The Menu
Fruit Cocktail
Roast Stuff Chicken Buttered Green Beans
Parsley Creamed Potatoes Rolls – [illegible]
Vegetable [illegible] Ring Salad
Butterscotch Parfait Salted Nuts
Coffee – Wafers.
Dr. Mary L. Morse, Preceding
Welcome S. – Mrs. Lulu Runge
Response – Dr. Minna C. Denton
History of Sigma Delta Epsilon – Dr. Leva Walker
National Pres.
The vary-colored nut baskets, spectral band of ribbons, lighted tapers and banquet of chrysanthemums made the table very gay.
Clara Winter – Sec
Dec 7, 931 [sic] Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Morse
A letter sent to the Chapter by National President Dr. Leva B. Walker was read and discussed. The first question to be considered was: Does the Chapter favor the appointment of a permanent secretary. A motion was made that we approve the idea of the permanent secretary. Seconded. Carried.
A motion was made that the permanent secretary, if elected be allowed [illegible] $100 for clerical help and railroad transportation to national conventions. Carried.
A motion was made that Iota Chapter give its approval to necessary changes in the national constitution to permit the election of a permanent secretary. Seconded. Carried.
The Chapter unanimously passed a motion that Dr. Leva B. Walker be suggested for re-election to the office of National President and that her name be sent to the Nominating Committee of Sigma Delta Epsilon.
The chapter approved the following provisions for a Fellowship Fund
1. When the fund has accumulated a given amount (for example $4500) a fellowship award of 1/3 (1500) of the sum is to be granted and the remaining 2/3 is to be kept as permanent endowment fund, the interest from the permanent fund to be used to help accumulate a second $4500, etc.
2. The Chapter favors $1500 for a fellowship award since the A.A.U.W. [illegible] as least that amount.
3. Money for the fund should be raised
a) By subscriptions the treasury of local chapters.
b) Soliciting individual contributions, Soliciting to be done by chapters.
c) A living endowment whereby members contribute annually
4. The Am Assn. Of Uni. Women shall administer the fellowship award.
A motion was made that, since it is not definitely known that any member of Iota except Dr. Leva B. Walker plans to attend the National Convention at New Orleans
any member serving be given credentials by the chapter. Carried
Clara Winter – sec
March 3, 1932
All graduate women in science on the campus and members of the chapter were invited to supper by the Chemistry faction of our organization. The entertainment was held in the organic lab in Chemistry Hall. The supper was excellent and was thoroughly enjoyed by members and guests.
Dr. Morse introduced Dr. Leva B. Walker, as speaker for the evening. Dr. Walker told of her experiences at the National Convention, held this year at New Orleans..
The stories, not concerning directly the business proceedings of Sigma Delta Epsilon are not recorded here, suffice is to say, they were highly entertaining.
1. Of the candidates for honorary membership submitted to the Chapter all were elected by Dr. Hashburn. However, the question
of her election is being reconsidered. A motion to present these new honorary members with a pin of the organization was approved
2. The election of a permanent national secretary was approved with the [illegible] that she be elected for 2 yrs to start. The secretary be with the [illegible] of reelection allowed clerical help and other expenses such as connection expernses, as authorized by the National Council.
3. The publication of a National directory was approved
4. The “Nebraska Plan” for the fellowship fund and award was adopted.
For further information see the report of the National Convention which is among the files of the secretary
Clara Winter – sec
Room 208, Chemistry Hall
Meeting was called to order by Dr. Morse.
A motion was made that a committee be appointed to investigate the local by-laws for [illegible] of the constitution with reference to honorary members and with reference to the election of new members. It was felt that [illegible] note of [illegible] of the active members in the case of the latter should be changed to facilitate election. Passed. The committee appointed Dr. L.B. Walker, Miss Peters, Mrs. Winter
The following names were suggested for membership, these to be voted upon by means of ballots sent thru the University Mail, because of the lack of sufficient members present at the meeting to allow voting
Violet Chan – Zoology
Jo Carolyn Ferre – Zoology
Ruth Sperry – Home Ec.
Latta Oliver – Geology
Eleanor Omar – Chemistry
The date of initiation was set as April 2.
Initiation committee – Miss Norris, Miss Esther Anderson, Mrs. Winter.
Clara Winter – sec
The Chapter was entertained by Miss Runge at the Alpha Xi Delta House. They newly elected women were guests of the organization. The evening was spent informally.
Clara Winter – Sec
Apr. 16, 1932
Spring Initiation at the University Club
The following were initiated with the usual ceremonies.
Violet Chan, Jo Carolyn Ferri, Latta Oliver, Ruth Elise Sperry
The table was gay with sweet peas and bright candy favors. The Menu: –
Fruit Cup Wafer
Chicken croquettes with Mushroom Gravy
Parsley Buttered Potatoes
[illegible] Salad
Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae Cakes Coffee
The Program
Toastmistress – Dr. Mary Morse
Welcome – Mrs. I. H. Blake
Response – Miss Violet Chan
History – Miss Esther Anderson
Problem and Contacts of a Modern
Nutritionist – Dr. Minna Denton
Clara Winter – Sec
May 14, 1932
Sigma Delta Epsilon met at the Home of Mrs. I. H. Blake, 1101 North 45th Street at 6 P.M. An informal supper was followed by an interesting discussion by Dr. Esther Anderson. Her topic was “The Sugar Beet Industry of the U.S.” All graduate women in science were invited.
After the guests had departed Miss Dorothy M. Johnson was initiated at a special ceremony.
Clara Winter Sec
Practice [sic] Dining Room, Home Ec. Building Agriculture Campus
After supper, the meeting was call to order by the president, Dr. Morse
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Bills were presented by Miss Norris for $2 for candy for nuts and by Dr. Morse for 12¢ postage. It was voted that these bills be allowed.
The President appointed the following nominating committee to prepare a slate of officers for the year.
Miss Elva Norris
Dr. Elda Walker
Dr. McEwan
The following auditing committee was appointed by the President
Dr. Emma Anderson
Mrs. I. H. Blake
Dr. Gibbons
The nominating committee presented the following nominations
Pres. – Dr. Esther Anderson Sec. Miss Langevin
V. Pres. Mrs. I. H. Blake Tres. Miss Peters
Miss Langevin requested that her nomination be withdrawn due to the fact that she had very heavy duties this year. Nominations from the floor were asked for. Miss Sperry was nominated and she, also, requested that the nomination be withdrawn on account of other duties. Miss Gibbons was nominated.
Dr. Leva Walker moved, and it was seconded by Dr. Emma Anderson that that the secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for this ticket. The motion carried.
Under the supervision of the president elect, Dr. Anderson, a round table discussion of proposed activities for the year followed. These included
1. Travel Lodge
Dr. Gibbons
Dr. Walker
Dr. Anderson
2. Tea for new girls
3. Installation of officers
4. Initiation of new members
5. Picnic
It was decided to hold a picnic or tea for members and graduate women in science on Sunday, October 1., the exact nature of the meeting, the time and place to be left to the discretion of the committee.
Supper meeting YWCA
Meeting called to order by Dr. Anderson. Bills were allowed $5.15 for the tea to graduate women and 66¢ for postage.
Dr. Leva Walker chairman of the comm. On honorary membership suggested as candidates for such local membership. Ruth Maisball of Rockford College and Mary Fossler of Calif. This report was accepted.
Initiation nominations for active membership were made to be supplemented by further names suggested at an adjured meeting to be held Nov. 7th . The committee to [illegible] for the initiation was appointed as follows Chair. [illegible] Blake, Miss Norris, Miss Runge.
Nov. 7 1932
Adjured meeting of Nov. 2nd. Minutes read + approved. The names suggested at the last meeting were further discussed and the secy instructed to cost a [illegible] ballot as expressing the wishes of the members present. The secy. Also instructed to send a list of the nominees to the other members of the organization if no dissenting votes are received with three days the candidates will be
considered elected. The names of the candidates follow
Augiline Anderson
[illegible] [illegible]
Ruth [illegible]
[illegible] [illegible]
Anna Mae Runnell
Mattie Mumford
[illegible] [illegible]
The initiation banquet to to [sic] be held at the YWCA Nov. 19th
Rebekah Gibbons
Dec. 20, 1932
Miss Anderson presiding
Miss Anderson volunteered to represent the chapter at the [illegible] meeting.
Dr. Leva Walker proposed the name of Dr. Ruth Marshall as honorary member of Sigma Delta Epsilon. D.r Walker made the nomination in the form of a motion which was carried by a majority vote of the resident members.
Miss Anderson was delegated to inform Miss Marshall of her appointment.
The meeting was adjourned.
([illegible]) Mattie Mumford
Acting Secy.