Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsSigma Delta Epsilon
Organization Meeting Minutes, 1926-1927
Minutes for the First Meeting
Temple Building
Dec. 9, 1926

Miss Esther Anderson Miss Helen Burrill Miss Emma Anderson Miss C.A. Barbour “ E.R. Walker “ Elizabeth Hartman “ Eleanor Laurie Dr. E. McEwan Miss Helen Buttery Miss Phyllis Rice Miss Viola Jelinek
Third Meeting of the Nebraska Women’s Scientific Society Jan. 13, 1927 Those present were:Miss Lulu Runge Miss Besse Whitney Dr. E.R. Walker Miss C.A. Barbour Dr. E. McEwan Miss L.B. Walker Miss Elizabeth Hartman Miss Viola Jelenik

$1.90 stenographic work. $ .85 Secretary’s book.
The vote was unanimously in favor of allowing for these bills. Miss Elizabeth Hartman gave a very interesting talk on Microchemistry. Dr. E.R. Walker exhibited a very beautiful collection of slides on Spring Flowers. The rest of the evening was spent informally. Refreshments of popcorn and apples were served. The napkins and details were carried out in Saint Patrick’s day suggestions. Members present:Miss Esther Anderson
Sixth Meeting of the Nebraska Graduate Women’s Scientific Society
Home of Eleanor Laurey.
May 12, 1927
We were to have had our supper at the Auto Club Park, but a rain made us glad to accept the offer of Eleanor Laurey’s home where we had a very enjoyable indoor picnic.
The food was delicious and in great abundance. Following was the menu:
Hot bean sandwiches Beans
with bacon and
scrambled egg Potato salad
Strawberries on Angel Food Cake.
The evening was certainly a success.

Miss Lulu Runge Miss Emma Anderson Miss L.B. Walker Miss Bess Whitney Miss Helen Burrill Miss C.A. Barbour Dr. E.R. Walker Miss Eleanor Laurey Miss Helen Buttery Miss Phyllis Rice Miss Viola Jelinek
Absent Members:Miss Elizabeth Hartman Miss Ruth Meier Dr. McEwan
Viola Jelinek Secretary

Elda R. Walker Lulu Runge Viola C. Jelinek Helen A. Burrill Doris W. Hayes Eula Davis McEwan Helen May Buttery Crawford, Neb Bess F. Whitney Carrie A. Barbour Elizabeth Hartman Seybold (?) Leva B. Walker Phyllis Rice Eleanor Candell Lowrey Esther D. Anderson (Installing Officer)

President Dr. Eula McEwan Vice President Miss Besse Whitney Secretary Miss Phyllis Rice Treasurer Dr. L.B. Walker
The secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for these nominees.