Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

Sigma Delta Epsilon

Organization Meeting Minutes, 1928-1929

Roll Dec. 15, 1927 Jan. 30, 1928 Feb. 6, 1928 Mar. 17, 1928
Miss Lulu Runge         
Miss Esther Anderson         
Dr. Leva B. Walker         
Miss Bess Whitney  a.       
Miss Emma Anderson    a.    a. 
Miss Carrie A. Barbour         
Dr. Elda R. Walker      a.   
Dr. Eula McEwan  a.    a.  a. 
Miss Helen Buttery         
Miss Phyllis Rice         
Miss Charlette [illegible]        a. 
Miss [illegible]         
“ [illegible]         
Miss Nancy Walis         
Miss Clara [illegible]         
Miss Elina Harris         

Sixth meeting of Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon
Jan. 30, 1928
Room 102, Former Museum

A social meeting was held from five to six P.M. Women doing graduate and usual work in science were guests. Miss Esther Anderson, geography, gave a report of her trip to the A.A.S. meeting in Nashville Tenne. during the Christmas holiday. She also reported on the meetings of Sigma Delta Epsilon [illegible], and on the field trip [illegible] to the Highland Rim.

Refreshments of punch, wafers, and candies were served.

Phyllis Rice, Secy.


Seventh meeting of Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon
Dr. E. McEwan’s lab
Morill Hall
Febr. 6, 1928 5-6p.m.

The meeting was called to order by the President Dr. E. McEwan.

The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved.

A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the secretary be [illegible] to forward the national dues, and the money for the scholarship fund and directions.

Miss Esther Anderson presented a bill for her expenses in [illegible] in [illegible] ΣΔE and the A.A.S. meeting, amounting to $4 75. The bill was allowed.

Miss Phyllis Rice, chairman, the social committee presented a bill for the refreshments for the social meeting of Jan. 30, 1928

amounting to $3.58 The bill was allowed

A motion was made, seconded and carried to pay whatever possible [illegible] bills and take care of the [illegible] later.

A motion was made, seconded, and carried to move the initiation fee to $5.00 which would include the national initiation fee of $2.00 and that the candidate should pay beside her initiation fee chapter and national dues + for her directory, amounting this [illegible] to $1.60.

A motion was made, seconded and carried to in vite[sic] the following people to become members of Iota Chapter of ΣΔE: Theodora Klare, Clara Walfauqer, Miss Charlette Barney, Miss Maucy Waters, Elna [illegible] J Levy [illegible] and that the secretary notify these people

of their election.

It was also suggestion by the President that invitations to social affairs should not be [illegible], at least this was [illegible] to these not responding to our invitation.

A motion was made, seconded + carried that the secretary send report of such meeting and she deems suitable to the Daily Nebraska. It was decided not to buy a page in the Cornhusker.

The Secretary was instructed to make arrangements for our invitation dinner at the University [illegible] for March 2, 1928. A meal of [illegible] of a [illegible] being suggested.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M.

Phyllis Rice

Members present – see roll
Page 27.

Spring Initiation Banquet
University Club, Mar. 2, 1928

The spring initiation banquet was held at the University Club at six o’clock, Friday evening, March 2, 1925. Initiation took place at six-fifteen, with Dr. Eula McEwan presiding, Miss Esther Anderson took the place of Miss Bess Whitney, vice-president. The imitates were Mrs. Charlett Bauney[?], Miss [illegible], Miss Theodora [illegible], Miss Elma Morris, Miss Nancy Waters and Miss Clara Walfanger.

The banquet followed the initiation service. The table was decorated with white candles, the colors of the spectrum, the Ray of ΣΔE and [illegible] sweet peas [illegible] the center piece. [illegible] with the Ray and colors on the [illegible] and the [illegible], [illegible] and names of the initiates were used as place cards.

The menu consisted

of fruit cocktail, pork tenderloin, candied yams, cherry ring salad, hot rolls, jelly, celery and olives, butterscotch parfait, and demi tasse.

Dr. McEwan was toast master. Miss Elizabeth Hartman gave the welcome to the initiates and Miss Elma Morris the response. Dr. McEwan gave the presidential address, the place of the “New Woman” was her subject. Dr. Leva Walker gave a toast to alpha chapter at Cornell, Dr. Emma Anderson to Eta Chapter at Chicago Uni, and Miss Esther Anderson to Beta Chapter at Wisconsin.

Members present were:

Dr. Eula McEwan
Miss Esther Anderson
Dr. Emma Anderson
Miss Lulu Runge
Miss Eliz. Hartman
Miss Helen Buttery
Miss Carrie Barbour
Phyllis Rice
Dr. Leva Walker
Miss Flay Hurlbut

Miss Charlotte Bourey
Miss Nancy Waters
Miss Clara Walfanger
Miss Theordora Klas
Miss Elma Norris

Phyllis Rice – Secy.


March 17. 1928
Ninth Meeting of Iota Chater of Sigma Delta Epsilon

A combination business and social meeting was held at 8 P.M. at the home of Phyllis Rice (apt 11 Marquette)

Mar. 17, 1928
In the absence of the President and Vice-President the meeting was called to order by the secretary, Phyllis Rice, Dr. Elda Walker acting as secretary pro tem.

The meeting opened with the roll call.

The was moved, seconded and carried that president with whose ever aid she [illegible] should home the charter [illegible].

It was moved, seconded, and carried that we have a copper plate + over pin made for printing stationery and that stationery and correspondence cards be

ordered by the secretary.

It was voted that the secretary be instructed to order six membership cards for the new members.

Bills to the amount of 2.95 was allowed for the expense of the initiation service.

Bills for postage and stationery for 85¢ was also allowed.

The business meeting was adjourned and the [illegible] of the [illegible] [illegible] in a social meeting at [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] a [illegible]. Refreshments + ice-cream, cookies, and mints were served.

All members except the following were present:

Dr. Eula McEwan
Eliz. Hartman
Bess Whitney

Phyllis Rice – Secy.

April 20, 1928
Dr. McEwan’s lab
Morrill Hall

ΣΔE was entertained at a picnic dinner from 5:30 to 7 P.M. by Dr. McEwan and Miss Barbour. “Eats” consisting of scrambled eggs and bacon for sandwiches, dill pickles, coffee, black walnut ice-cream, and angel food cake were [illegible] by [illegible].

After dinner a shot business meeting was held. The report of the classification of the sciences and of those accepted by Sigma Xi was made.

The questionnaire on membership standards sent by Miss Guithrie from the Columbia [illegible] chapter was considered. A motion was made, seconded and carried [illegible] that ΣΔE should adopt the standard of membership established by ΣΞ. On the second question, con-

concerning active and associate membership, it was moved, seconded, and carried that all elections should be for active membership and that all members active in scientific work whether students and teachers may be active members, and that those members not actively engaged in scientific work may be paying active membership dues remain active on they [sic] may become associate members.

The third question concerning honorary membership was discussed but no action taken.

On the fourth question, [illegible] isolated workers may become members, it was moved, seconded and carried that we recommend that they be elected to membership in the nearest chapter.

On question number five, concerning the membership of non-resident members, it was moved, seconded, and carried that we recommend that those paying active membership dues

should remain active.

Question number six, asking if there are other [illegible] membership question which should be reviewed was considered but no action taken.

A motion was moved, seconded and carried to leave # 3 + 6 for further discussion at the next meeting.

A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adjourn.

All members except Elma Norris were present.

Phyllis Rice – Secy.

Dr. McEwan’s lab
Morrill Hall
May 10, 1928

A picnic dinner and short business meeting was held at 5:30 in Dr. McEwan’s lab. After a dinner consisting of scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiches, coffee, pickles + oranges a shot business meeting was held to conclude the discussion of the membership questionnaire discussed at the last meeting.

On #3 concerning the [illegible] of choosing [sic] honorary members it was voted to recommend that they be recommended by the chapters but chosen only by a nat [illegible] chapters.

On #5 on the question of which [illegible] non-resident members can be active see minutes of last meeting. A recommendation was that the chapter [illegible] in [illegible] with non-resident

active members by [illegible] of circular letters

On # 6 – as to whether or not there were any points other than those which [illegible] [illegible] it was decided to recommend no further changes in membership requirements.

Those present were – Miss [illegible], Dr. McEwan, Miss Barbour + guest, Miss Runge, Dr. Elda + Leva Walker, Dr. Anderson and Miss Rice.

Phyllis Rice – Secy.

Dr. McEwans Lab
Morrill Hall
Oct. 3, 1928 5 P.M.

A short meeting was called for the election of officers, and as there was not a [illegible] present the time was given even to the discussion of changes in the constitution, ordering of pins, limitation of membership and a picnic for Saturday of which quests were to be wanted.

The President Dr. McEwan appointed a nominating committee consisting of Phyllis Rice, chairman Elma Norris and Esther Anderson and called a meeting, for the purpose of electing officers for Wednesday night, Oct. 10, 1928 at 5 P.M.

Those present were:

Dr. E. McEwan, Esther Anderson, Carrie Barbour, Dr. Leva Walker, Dr. Elda Walker, Mrs. Charlette Barney, Miss Elma Norris, and Miss Phyllis Rice

Phyllis Rice – Secy.

Dr. McEwan’s Lab
Morrill Hall, 5 P.M.
Oct. 10, 1928

A shot meeting was called by the President Dr. McEwan for the purpose for electing officers.

The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved.

Phyllis Rice gave the report of the nominating committee. The report was as follows: Dr. Eula McEwan, president; Dr. Emma Anderson, vice-president; Miss Flay Hurlbut, secretary, and Dr. Elda Walker, treasurer.

Motions were made, seconded, and carried that the secretary cast the ballot for the nominees. The ballot was cast as instructed.

A motion was made, seconded and carried that the President appointed a corresponding secretary to correspond with non-resident active and non-active member this [illegible]. Miss Elma Norris was appointed correspond-

ing secretary.

A motion was made, second [sic] and carried that the members hip committee of last year be continued again this year.

The committee was as follows:
Dr. Elda Walker, chairman, Miss Lulu Runge, and Dr. Emma Anderson.

A meeting was called for five P.M., Wed., Oct. 17 for the purpose of installing officers

Those present were
Miss Lulu Runge
“ Theodora Klase
“ Elma Norris
Dr. Eula McEwan
“ Eula McEwan
Miss Phyllis Rice
“ Flay Hurlbut
“ Esther Anderson
“ Carrie Barbour

Phyllis Rice

Dr. McEwan’s Lab

Oct. 24, 1928, 5 P.M.

A short meeting was called for the installation of officers. A motion was carried to suspend roll call and minutes and etc following officers were installed.

Dr. McEwan – – president
Dr. Emma Anderson – vice-president
Fley Hurlbut – secretary
Dr. Elda Walker – treasurer

The president was installed by Dr. Elda Walker.

The suggestion was made that [illegible] of various members of the faculty be invited to some of our pinics. Also that all women doing graduate work in the sciences by invited to a tea during the semester.

Present were
Miss Barbour
Dr. McEwan

Dr. Elda Walker
Dr. Leva Walker
Dr. Emma Anderson
Miss Runge
Miss Rice
Miss Norris
Miss Esther Anderson
Flay Hurlbut

Phyllis Rice – Secy.

Dec 12, 1928, 5 P.M.
Dr. McEwan’s Lab

A short meeting was held in Dr. McEwans lab.

Some correspondence was read and discussed

It was moved to continue the same policy in regard to the scholarship fund. Miss Esther Anderson and Miss Elma Norris were made our delegates to the national meeting in [illegible] during the holidays.

A suggested revision of the constitution was read and discussed.

The tea was suggested for the first Wednesday after the holidays.

President were
Dr. McEwan
Dr. Emma Anderson
Miss Esther Anderson
Dr. Leva Walker

Miss Runge
Miss Norris
Miss Hurlbut

Flay Hurlbut, Sec’y.

A tea was held at Ellen Smith Hall, Jan 26, 1928 from 4 to 6 which all members but [illegible] attended and eight guests.

Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory
Friday, Feb. 1, 1929.

A short meeting was held at four o’clock after which a picnic supper was served.

The following bills were allowed.

Miss Esther Anderson 4.16 (tea)
“ “ “ 2.50 [illegible]
“ Flay Hurlburt .54 [illegible]

The election of new members was then discussed. It was moved and carried

that our present policy be to check only those who have advanced degrees or who are surely receiving their [sic] in the following spring or summer.

A list of graduate students on scientific studies was presented by the committee. Those having M.A. degrees were all elected to membership except Miss Carr who is not here at the present time.

Those elected were
Ruth Dorothy Swarl Geology
Mrs. I. Blake Botany + Geology
Julia Joyce Harper Botany
Miss Rebekah Griffons Home Ec. + Botany
Martha Curtis Zoology

Miss Esther Anderson gave a report of the national meeting after which supper was served.

Those present were
Dr. McEwan
Dr. Elda Walker
Dr. Leva Walker
Dr. E Anderson
Miss Esther Anderson
Miss Barbour
Miss Runge
Miss Runge
Miss Rice
Miss Hurlbut

Flay Hurlbut, sec’y

Feb 28, 1929

A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s laboratory. Present were Dr. McEwan, Dr. Emma Anderson, Dr. Leva Walker, Dr. Elda Walker, Miss Barbour, Miss Klase and Miss Hurlbut.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved after being corrected.

As all five graduate women who were elected to membership accepted,

plans were made for the spring initiation to be held at the University club at 6 P.M. on Friday, Mar. 1. In the absence of Mrs. Barney, chairman of the social committee, Miss Elma Norris was asked to take charge of the arrangements for the initiation banquet.

A request from [illegible] University for our organization of Sigma Delta Epsilon was referred to a committee of three, Dr. Emma Anderson, Miss Esther Anderson and Dr. Leva Walker with the understanding that if the committee found no objections to the application, it should be considered approved by the Iota

Chapter. (Later report from the committee was one of unanimous approval)

The question of stationary was discussed, but no conclusion was reached, and the meeting was adjourned.

Flay Hurlbut, sec’y

Mar 1, 1929,

The spring initiation was held at the University Club at six o’clock, Friday, Mar 1, 1929. The initiation preceded the banquet, Dr. McEwan presiding. All officers and members were present. The initiates were Mrs. Abigail R. Blake, Martha E. Curtis, Dr. Rebekah Gibbons, Julia Joyce harper, and

Ruth Dorothy Swarts.

The banquet was served in the balcony room of the new University Club. The table was decorated with vari-colored sweet peas, orange candles, the colors of the spectrum and the Sigma Delta Epsilon [illegible].

The menu was as follows
Fruit cocktail – Wafers
Baked breaded Pork Tenderloin
Shoe String Potatoes
[illegible] — Ask Zip [illegible]
Hot Rolls
Orange Marmalade
Butterscotch Parfait

Dr. McEwan was toastmaster. The welcome to the new members was given by Miss Esther Anderson and response by Mrs. Blake

The toasts given were

History of Sigma Delta Epsilon
Dr. Leva Walker

Women in Science
Dr. Emma Anderson
Miss Phyllis Rice

Flay Hurlbut, secy

May 26, 1929,

A short business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s laboratory at 5 P.M.

The secretary was instructed to write the national secretary that Iota Chapter had approved of the proposed change in the constitution – Sec 2 Article on membership.

It was voted to ask Miss L. Walker to purchase business stationary for the chapter.

Miss Grace Kierman and Miss Ida Mackie,