Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsSigma Delta Epsilon
Organization Meeting Minutes, 1929-1930
who have just finished work for their M.A. degrees were unanimously elected to membership and a committee was approved to make arrangements for the initiation banquet on Monday June 3rd
Present were
Dr. L. Walker
Dr. R. Gibbons
Dr. Emma Anderson
Dr. McEwan
Miss Barbour
Miss Rice
Miss Swart
Miss Esther Anderson.
Minutes taken by Miss Esther Anderson in the absence of the secretary.
Flay Hurlbut sec’y
Note: Miss Keirman and Miss Mackie were both called away before an initiation could be held.
Roll of Members | Oct 24 | Oct 28 | Nov 8 | Nov 18 | |
Anderson, Dr. Emma | |||||
Barbour, Miss Carrie A | |||||
Blake, Mrs. Abigail | a | ||||
Buttery, Miss Helen | a | a | a | ||
Gibbons, Dr. Dr. Rebekah | a | a | a | ||
Hurlbut, Miss Flay | |||||
Klase, Miss Theodora | |||||
McEwan, Dr. Eula D. | |||||
Norris, Miss Elma | a | ||||
Runge, Miss Lulu | a | a | |||
Walker, Dr. Elda | a | a | a | ||
Walker, Dr. Leva | |||||
Dec. 7 | Bartolomew, Eleanor R. | ||||
Burk, Myrel | |||||
Donley, Mabel | |||||
Higgens, Edick | |||||
Morse, Dr. Mary L. | |||||
Shipman, Jackie M. | |||||
May 27 | Lallman, Anna L. | ||||
Laugenna, Mary |
A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s Labatory at five o’clock. The report of the nominating committee was heard and the following officers were elected
President Miss Lulu Runge
Vice President Miss Carrie Barbour
Secretary Miss Floy Hurlbut
Treasurer Mrs. I. Blake
It was decided to hold the installation of new officers at five o’clock on Tuesday Oct. 29, in this room.
The secretary was instructed to order the following stationery from the Lettercraft Press Inc., 725 Uni Ave. Madison Wisconsin.
500 letterheads $10.00 Total
100 correspondence cards $5.00 $15.00
A letter regarding the nomination of Dr. Margaret Clay Ferguson, head of the botany department of Wellesley to honorary national membership, was read by Dr. Leva Walker.
The seven members present
unanimously approved of the election of Dr. Ferguson but as a two thirds vote was necessary for such election it was decided to consult other members in regard to it. If a two thirds majority approvded[sic], the secretary was instructed to cast the ballot for Iota chapter without meeting for another business meeting.
The president was requested to appoint an auditing committee to audit the books for the past year, so that they could be [illegible] over to the new treasurer at the time of installation ceremony next week.
The motion was made that we not loan the dished to the organization. Carried
It was also decided to have a picnic in Dr. McEwan’s
Laboratory next Friday afternoon at five o’clock (Nov 1)
Members present were
Dr. McEwan
Dr. L. Walker
Dr. Emma Anderson
Miss Klase
Miss Barbour
Miss Buttery
Miss Hurlbut
The meeting was adjourned
Flay Hurlbut sec’y.
Oct 28, 1929
A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory at five P.M.
Miss Runge resigned as president and Miss Norris was elected. The installation of new officers followed.
The report of the auditing committee was read and accepted.
Plans for the picnic to be held here in Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory on Friday
Nov. 1 at 5 o’clock were completed. Dr. McWan, Miss Klase and Dr. Gibbons were appointed as a picnic committee.
The motion was made and carried that this committee handled all picnic funds.
Present were
Dr. McEwan
Dr. L. Walker
Dr. Anderson
Dr. Dr. Gibbons
Miss Norris
Miss Runge
Miss Klase
Miss Barbour
Miss Hurlbut
The meeting was adjourned
Flay Hurlbut sec’y.
The picnic was held on Nov. 1 with the following guests present
3 Miss Mildred Larson [illegible]
5 Miss Mary Rogick, zoology
6 Dr. Julia Shipman, [illegible]
7 Miss Marion Williams, botany
4 Miss Frieda Roerden, botany
1 Miss Wyrell Burk, botany
Mrs. [illegible], math
Miss [illegible], Pharmancy
Nov 8, 1929
A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory at five P.M.
After roll call the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A bill of $1.25 for flowers for the last initiation banquet was allowed Miss Norris.
The following were elected to membership
Dr. Mary Morse – chemistry
Dr. Julia M Shipman – geography
Miss Catherine Lunerman – botany
Miss Myrel Burk – botany
The secretary was also instructed to notify Miss Mackie who was elected to membership
last spring but not initiated of the coming initiation and ask Lin to be present
The plans for the initiation banquet were as follows
Date – Dec 7, 1929, 6 P.M.
Place – University Club
Committee on management
Miss Barbour, Dr. McEwan
Committee on program
Dr. Anderson
It was decided to hold a picnic in Dr. McEwan Laboratory, Nov. 22 at five o’clock and that a short program be given before the picnic supper. Dr. Anderson was appointed as a committee on program
Flay Hurlbut, secy
A short business meeting was held in room 214, Bessy Hall at five P.M.
It was moved and carried that Mabel Donnelly and Eleanor Bartholomew of the chemistry department be invited to join the organization to be initiated with the six previously elected to membership on Dec. 7 1929
The following members were present
Miss Norris
Dr. McEwan
Dr. L. Walker
Dr. Anderson
Miss Klase
Miss Barbour
Mrs. Blake
Miss Hurlbut
Flay Hurlbut sec’y
The initiation was held at the University Club, Dec 7, at six P.M.
The initiation preceded the banquet Miss Elma Norris presiding. All officers and members were present
The initiates were
Miss Eleanor Bartholomew
Miss Myrel Burk
Miss Mabel Donley
Miss Edeth Mackie
Miss Ida Mackie
Dr. Mary L. Morse
Dr. Julia M. Shipman
Immediately following the initiation ceremony, the banquet was served in the second private dining room off the main dining room of the University Club. The table was decorated with vari colored sweet peas, white
candles colors of the spectrum [illegible] and charter of the organization.
The menu was as follows
Fruit Cocktail Wafers
Breaded Veal Cutlet
Baked Stuffed Potatoes
Combination Vegetable Salad
French Dressing
Hot Biscuits
Neapolitan Parfait
Miss Elma Norris acted as toastmaster.
Dr. E.R. Walker welcomed the new members and Dr. Julia W. Shipman responded. Dr. McEwan gave the history of the organization. Dr. Marry L. Morse spoke on Madame Curie and Dr. Leva on Dr. Dr. [sic] Margaret Clay Fergeson who has been nominated this year for honorary national
Membership in Sigma Delta Epsilon.
Following the program a short business meeting was held.
The secretary was instructed to send greeting from the organization to Esther S. Anderson who was [illegible] ill a short time ago while completing her doctorate at Clark University, Worcester, Mass.
A letter was regard the Christmas meeting of the A.A.A.S. at Des Moines, Ia.
Dr. Elda Walker and Dr. Eula McEwan were elected delegates to the national meeting of the Sigma Delta Epsilon to be held at Des Moines during the A.A.A.S. [illegible]. The secretary was also instructed to give [illegible] to Miss Norris that she
Might serve as a delegate in case either of the regular delegates should be unable to attend all of the meetings.
The following members signified their intention of attending the meetings in Des Moines
Dr. Anderson
Miss Burk
Dr. Gibbons
Miss Harper
Miss Klase
Dr. E. Walker
Dr. L. Walker
Dr. McEwan.
The treasurer reported that her account had been balanced and national dues had been sent to the national treasurer.
Flay Hurlbut sec’y
A picnic was held in Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory at five P.M. Members and other graduate women in science were present. After the picnic supper, Miss Norris called for reports of the annual meeting of A.A.A.S. which was held in Des Moines during the Christmas holiday. Those reporting were Dr. Emma Anderson, Dr. Leva and Elda Walker and Miss Norris.
Flay Hurlbut sec’y
Feb 28, 1930.
A picnic was held in Dr. McEwan’s Laboratory at five P.M. with members and guests present. After the picnic supper a short business
meeting was held in which it was decided to have a tea for all graduate women in science, and for the professors and wives in the science department, the time and place to be decided later.
Flay Hurlbut, sec’y
The committee appointed by the president were as follows
To decide time, place, and plan the tea
Miss Norris
Miss Blake
Miss Anderson
Committee on program
Miss Barbour
Note Because of difficulties in finding a suitable time and place, the tea was not held until May 18 and
was held at the Walker home, 1325 N 38” st
The following guests were present
Dr. + Mrs. Burrett
Dean + Mrs [illegible]
Miss Idella Jenkins
Miss Lucille John
Miss Anna Lallman
Miss Mary Langeois
Miss Mildred Larson
Miss Mattie Mumford
Miss Frieda Roerden
Miss Mary Rogick
Miss Alice Sweet
Miss Marion Williams
Mrs Madeline F. Grenard
Miss Catherine Luneman
Flay Hurlbut, secy.
A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s laboratory at 5 P.M.
Present were
Dr. Anderson
Miss Barbour
Miss Burke
Miss Higgins
Miss Hurlbut
Dr. McEwan
Miss Runge
Dr. E.R. Walker
Dr. L.B. Walker
It was moved that we admit the following women to membership
Miss Lalleman botany
Miss Longern pharmacy
Miss Rogick botany
Miss Luneman botany
Plans were made for the spring initiation to be held at the Woodburn Party House 1432, q St. at six o’clock, Tuesday, May 27”,
Flay Hurlbut, sec’y
The spring initiation was held at the Woodburn Party House at six P.M. All members were present except Miss Norris who was unexpectedly detained at home.
The initiates were
Miss Anna Lalleman botany
Miss Mary Langeone pharmacy
In the absense of the president, Mrs McEwan acted as toast mistress. Miss Runge welcomed the new members and Miss Langerine gave the [illegible].
Flay Hurlbut, sec’y
May June 2, 1930
A picnic was held in the Arts Club Park at 5 P.M. A farewell was [illegible] to Dr. Shipman and other members who
A picnic supper was held in Dr. McEwan’s office at five P.M.
Members present were
Dr. Emma N. Anderson
Miss Esther Anderson
Mrs Abigail Blake
Dr. Rebekah Gibbons
Flay Hurlbut
Mrs. Helen Buttery Klossner
Miss Mary Lougerine
Dr. Eula McEwan
Dr. Mary L. Morse
Miss Elna Norris
Dr. Elda Walker
Dr. Leva Walker
Mrs. Clara Wofanger Winter
The guests were
Miss Catharine Carter chemistry
Miss Edith Curry geology
Miss Jennie M Barney pharmacy
Miss Lucile Hae chemistry
Miss Elizabeth Morse
Miss (Dr.) Ruth [illegible] Louce
Miss Cornelia Weaver geology
Miss Marion Williams botany
After the picnic supper a short business meeting was held for appointing the nominating committee. The following were appointed by the president.
Dr. Elda Walker
Dr. Eula McEwan
Miss Esther Anderson
It was moved that the secretary write a letter of sympathy to Miss Meyer’s parents 119 Center St. Bluffton Ind.
Flay Hurlbut, sec’y
Oct. 1, 1930
A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s laboratory at five P.M. to elect officers for the ensuing year.
The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Norris.
The treasurer reported
A balance on hand of $23.56. The report of the nominating committee was read by Dr. Elda Walker and the secretary was instructed to cast a nominee ballot for the following
President – Flay Hurlbut
Vice President – Mary Morse
Secretary – Mrs. Winter
Treasurer – Eleanor Bartholomew
It was moved that another meeting be held Oct 8 to elect new member to the organization and that the fall initiation and installation of new officers be held at the same time. The president appointed Miss Runge as a committee to plan the time and place for the banquet.
Flay Hurlbut, sec’y
A business meeting was held in Dr. McEwan’s office at five P.M. for the election of new members
The following names were submitted for membership.
Mrs. Madeline F. Grenard math
Miss Idella Jenkins chem
Miss Matilda Peters home ec. (food chemistry)
Miss Vera Rigdon geog.
Miss Frieda Rouden botany
Miss Alice Sweet chem
These were unanimously elected.
The time and place for the initiation banquet were left to Miss Runge previously appointed
Members present were
Dr. Anderson
Miss E. Anderson
Miss Barbour
Miss Lougeone

Roll of Members 1930-31 | Sept 26 | Oct 1 | Oct 8 | Nov 8 | Dec 5 | Jan 22 | Feb | Mar | May | June |
Anderson, Dr. Emma | a | a | ||||||||
Barbour, Miss Carrie | a | a | a | |||||||
Bartholowmew, Miss Elanor | a | a | a | a | ||||||
Blake, Mrs. Abigail | a | a | a | |||||||
Gibbons, Dr. Rebekah | a | a | a | |||||||
Hurlbut, Flay | ||||||||||
Klassner, Mrs. Helen | a | a | a | |||||||
Langern, Miss Mary | a | a | a | |||||||
McEwan, Dr. Eula D. | a | |||||||||
Morse, Dr. Mary L. | a | a | a | a | ||||||
Norris, Miss Elma | a | a | a | |||||||
Runge, Miss Lulu | a | a | a | a | ||||||
Walker, Dr. Elda | ||||||||||
Walker, Dr. Leva | a | |||||||||
Winter, Miss Clara | a | a | ||||||||
Anderson, Miss Esther | ||||||||||
Jenkins, Miss Idella | a | a | a | a | ||||||
Peters, Miss Matilda | a | |||||||||
Rigdon, Miss Vera | a | a | ||||||||
Roerden, Miss Frieda | ||||||||||
Sweet, Alice | a | |||||||||
Williams Marion | a |
Fall Initiation Banquet and Installation of Officers
The Ceremonies were held in the Chinese Room of the Cornhusker Hotel at 6 o’clock preceding initiation of new members the following officers were installed
Dr. Flay Hurbut [sic] – President
Dr. Mary Morse – Vice President
Miss Eleanor Bartholomew – Treasurer
Dr. Hurbut [sic] received the initiates with the traditional ceremonies. The initiates were Matilda Peters, Vera Rigon, Frieda Roerden, Alice Sweet, Marion Williams, and Idella Jenkins.
The banquet followed initiation. Sweet peas, nuts baskets of different colors and candles carried out the spectrum colors and made the table very bright Sigma Delta Epsilon fey and charter completed the decorations.
The Menu
Consomme Relish Head Lettuce Salad
Breaded Veal Cuttlets Ice Cream Cake
Dr. Hurbut [sic] preceded as toastmistress. Dr. McEwan welcomed the new members. Miss Matilda Peters responded Dr. Leva Walker sketched the History of Sigma Delta Epsiolon Dr. Gibbons spoke on Recent Research in Nutrition and Miss Langeren on the History of Perfumes
A short business meeting followed. A motion was made by Miss Esther Anderson that a program committee be appointed to present suggestions for the years program. Carried. It was suggested that the president appoint a committee of three for this purpose.
Clara Winter – sec
Dec. 5, 1930
Dr. McEwans Laboratory
Dr. Hurbut [sic] called the meeting to order. A letter from the National President was read stating that the honor of nominating the National President of Sigma Delta Epsilon had been delegated to iota Chapter this year.
Dr. Leva B. Walker was nominated by the Chapter by ballot.
Dr. Hurlbut appointed the following program committee – this committee to prepare a schedule for the coming year’s activities.
Dr. McEwan, Chairman
Miss. Norris and Dr. Morse
Dr. Hurbut [sic] read the following communication from Dr. Brown, National President.
The National Convention is to be held in Cleveland this year and is to be in the form of two breakfasts. The first one on Dec 30, for all women in science, the second a business meeting on Dec. 31 for members and delegates. Each Chapter is entitled to two delegates.
A motion was made that Miss Roerden
Be given credentials as delegate for Iota Chapter, also that credentials be given to one other person who is attending. Carried.
Dr. Brown’s letter also informed the chapter that a Summary of Chapter Activities (1930) both social and scientific (Research being carried on by members) should be sent to the National Secretary by Dec. 15.
and that, the books of the chapter should be balanced with the National Treasurer.
Also that delegates to the National Convention be instructed as to Chapter reaction to the appointed of a permanent National Secretary who served for several years and whose duties are to keep records, prepare directives, and serve as a source of information to incoming officers. She would receive certain [illegible] for her services.
A motion was made + seconded that Iota Chapter approve the idea of a permanent secretary for Sigma Delta Epsilon. Carried.
Dr. Morse presented a report for Miss. Bartholomew, treasurer
The following dues were sent in to National Tres.
National dues, 22 members @ 50¢ $11.00
Initiation fees 6 @ $2.00 12.00
Total $23.00
Fall dues should be paid now by members.
The following Banquet bills were allowed.
$1.25 for flowers for banquet – Dr. Hurlbut
1.25 Dr. Gibbons
1.28 for nuts Dr. Morse
Meeting Adjourned
Clara Winter.
Members Present
Dr. Emma Anderson
Matilda Peters
Dr. Elda Walker
Dr. Leva Walker
Dr. McEwan
Miss Esther Anderson
Dr. Gibbons
Dr. Hurlbut
Miss Roerden
Dr. Morse
Clara Winter