Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, Susie Callaway, Letter, 1923, June 23


June 23, 1

Prof Swenk – We found a white-eyed Vireo building its nest near the place it built last year. This was about the middle of May. We visited the spot every day for several days. A stray dog destroyed the nest after it was completed. We haven’t







been able to locate it We have last years nest and will send it if you care to see it. If we do succeed in finding it this year we will let you know and will be glad to have you and Mrs. Swenk visit us. We have many nests in our yard. Wren, Baltimore Oriole, Orchard Oriole, King Bird, Arkansas king bird, robin, dove, Cat bird, brown thrasher, bell Viero, warbling vireo – yellow warbler. We haven’t located the Cuckoo and some others. Thanking you for the information in regard to the refuge I am
Susie Callaway