Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, W. Bartz, Letter, 1906, July 5

Board of Education R. W. Montgomery, Pres. G. W. Clark, Vice-Pres. S. M. Smyser, Sec’y. A. McIntyre. G. W. Duncan. W. R. Akers.
D. W. Hayes, Principal High School. Olive Stratton, Assistant.
Alliance, Neb. July 5th, 1906 Prof. Lawrence Bruner, State University, Lincoln.
Dear Mr. Bruner:-The Bird Leaflets were received in due time. We thank you for the leaflets, and have had them distributed among the normal students. The work here goes on satisfactorily, which I am sure will be gratifying to you. Thanking you again for the leaflets, I am yours truly, W. H. Bartz