Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, W.H. Bonnell, Letter, 1906, June 20

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d Shingles.

Saw Mill and Planing Mill.

JUN 23 Ans’d
Hawthorne, Wis., June 20th, 1906

Prof. Lawrence Bruner.
Lincoln Neb.
Dear Sir.
With your experience, can you give me any information regarding an enemy to the Potatoe Bug of the Bird Kind, that feeds upon them to exterminate, and if introduced, could they withstand this Climate, or be migratory, and would they become numerous, like the sparrow, and some other kinds. We were discussing a remedy to the Potatoe Bug Nuisance, if there was only a Bird to take care of them, and with your investigations thought you could give us some information on the question – Thanking you in advance for your views, I remain,
Yours Truly,
W. H. Bonnell Rose Breasted
Grosbeak &