Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Walter Thompson, Letter, 1905, July 5
Neligh, Nebr. July 5, 1905. Prof. L. H. Bruner, Lincoln, Nebr. Dear Sir:- I recieved your letter of the 1st. and thank you very much for your kind advice. I have written to the Department of Agriculture for their reports and papers and will send for the books immediately. At the present time I am studying a book by
Comstock entitled, “How to know the Butterflies.” I do not know Merrit Cary personally but am well acquainted with his family. I enclose seventy-five ($.75) cents for your book “A Preliminary review of the birds of Nebraska with Synopses.” Thanking you again for you kind advice I am Yours truly, Walter Thompson.