Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, William Dutcher, Letter, 1903, July 11

Founded 1883. Incorporated 1888.
William Dutcher, Chairman,
Protection Committee, North American Birds,
525 Manhattan Avenue,
New York City.
Map showing (shaded) States having Audubon Societies.
Map showing (shaded) States which have adopted the A.O.U. model law protecting the non-game birds.
Dec 8 Ans’d
New York, July 11th, 1903.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner,
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Neb.
My dear Professor:-
I was much interested in press clippings from “The News” and “Bee” of July 3rd, in re Game Commissioner Carter’s effort to teach the children of Nebraska about the birds of the State.
In this connection do you not think he would be willing to use the educational leaflets published by our Society? I send you under another cover some copies of Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 all that have been published so far. Unfortunately, you know, our Society cannot distribute these leaflets gratuitously, but I can furnish them at the actual cost of production, viz: $3.00 per thousand.
Will you kindly take up this matter with the Commissioner, and let me know what he says?
Yours very truly,
Wm. Dutcher Chm.