Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, William Dutcher, Letter, 1903, May 29

Founded 1883. Incorporated 1888.
William Dutcher, Chairman,
Protection Committee, North American Birds,
525 Manhattan Avenue,
New York City.
Map showing (shaded) states having Audubon Societies.
Map showing (shaded) States which have adopted the A.O.U. model law protecting the non-game birds.
Jun 2 Ans’d
Jun 1 Rec’d
New York, May 29, 1903.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner,
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Neb.
My dear Sir:
I am just in receipt of your favor of the 27th inst. I enclose you educational leaflet #3 just out which I hope you will be able to use in your annual report.
I will loan you an electro of the Nighthawk and will send it to you in a few days, i.e. as soon as I can get it back from Boston.
If you would like to borrow an electro of the Mourning Dove and the meadowlark also I will be glad to let you have them.
Please let me hear from you.
Very truly yours,
Wm Dutcher Chairman.