Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, William Dutcher, Letter, 1905, Feb. 7

National Association of Audubon Societies
Founded 1901. Incorporated 1905.
For the Protection of Wild Birds and Animals

William Dutcher, President
John E. Thayer, 1st Vice-President
Theo. S. Palmer, M. D., 2d Vice-President
T. Gilbert Pearson, Secretary
Frank M. Chapman, Treasurer
525 Manhattan Avenue, New York City

Map showing (shaded) States having Audubon Societies
Map showing (shaded) States which have adopted the A. U. U. model law protecting the non-game birds

FEB 28 Ans’d

February 7, 1905.

Dear Sir:
I take pleasure in sending you a copy of the report of the work of the National Association of Audubon Societies for the past year, and trust that after a careful perusal of the same you will agree with the Officers that remarkable progress has been made and great good accomplished in bird protection.
It is of utmost importance that the work now so favorably launched shall be extended, especially along educational lines, and it is also vitally important that the number of wardens shall be increased.
In order to carry out the above plans it will be necessary for the Association to be in receipt of an increased income, and in order to secure the same the Association has been incorporated and several classes of memberships have been created.

A person who contributes $5.00 annually becomes a sustaining member.

It is hoped that after you have read the report you will be so impressed with the importance of bird protection that you will be willing to contribute to the work by becoming an annual Sustaining Member.
Possibly among your associates and acquaintances there are those who will also be willing to help in this great economic work.
The officers of the Association hope to secure the support of not less than 1,000 Sustaining Members during the present year. Three appliciation cards are enclosed and it is hoped you may be able to return them all properly filled.
Very truly yours, Wm. Dutcher