Great Nebraska

Naturalists and Scientists

NOU, Wilson Tout, Letter, 1905, Apr. 25

Nebraska Ornithologists Union.
Office of the President.

Wilson Tout, Dunbar, President.
Miss Agnes Dawson, Omaha, V. Pres.
Miss Anna Caldwell, Lincoln, Cor. Sec.
Myron H. Swenk, Lincoln, Rec. Sec.
F. H. Shoemaker, Omaha, Treas.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln
Dr. Rob’t H. Walcott, Lincoln
August Eiche, Lincoln Ex. Com.

Dunbar Nebr. Apl 25 1905.

APR 27 Ans’d

Prof. L. Bruner.
Dear Sir
Jones goes East in two weeks and we want the Field meet here for Fri. and Sat. May 5 and 6. That will be just before he goes. Let me know right off it this can be.
Very truly
Wilson Tout

Personally I think we had better announce the meeting anyway – Even if only you, Swenk, Lowry, and three or four others from here attend the people at Dunbar will be satisfied and it will do good there – then try and work up a crowd from Omaha. But Swenk should send out notice today if possible – Wolcott