Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsNOU, Wilson Tout, Letter, 1905, Mar. 29

Wilson Tout, Dunbar, President. Miss Agnes Dawson, Omaha, V. Pres. Miss Anna Caldwell, Lincoln, Cor. Sec. Myron H. Swenk, Lincoln, Rec. Sec. F. H. Shoemaker, Omaha, Treas. Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Lincoln Dr. Rob’t H. Wolcott, Lincoln, August Eiche, Lincoln Ex. Com.
Dunbar Nebr. Mar 29 1905.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner Lincoln, Dear Sir – Shall we have a Field meeting at Dunbar? That is the question. We offer entertainment for all members of the Union who will attend and will do our best to make the meet a success. We suggest that members come to Dunbar on the Friday evening trains. In the evening we will have an open meeting for the benefit of the cause. We will furnish some good music and should enjoy some short talks by members on “bird subjects.” Then we will be up at day break Sat. morning and away after records Members can return to Lincoln over M. P. R. R. at 3:40 Sat. P.M. The Co. Teachers meet here Apl. 29 so we cannnot have that date. But any other will be satisfactory. Talk it over with the members and let me know shortly what you think. Very truly Wilson Tout