Great Nebraska
Naturalists and ScientistsA list of the species observed in and observed in and about the city of Omaha
Order PYGOPODES–The Diving Birds
Family PODICIPIDAE–The Grebes
1 Aechmophorus occidentalie (Lawr.)–Western Grebe
Occasional migrant.
4 Colymbus nigricollis californicus (Haerm.)–American Eared Grebe.
Common migrant and occasional summer resident
6 Podilyabus podiceps (Linn.)–Pied-billed Grebe.
Abundant migrant; common summer resident
7 Urinator imber (Gunn.)–Loon
Migrant, not common.
11 Urinator lumme (Gunn.)–Red-throated Loon.
Rare migrant
Order LONGIPENNES–The Long-winged Orinmere
Family LARIDAE–The Gulls and Terns
51a Larus argentatus suithsonius Coues–American Herring Gull.
Migrant, not common
54 Larus delawarensis Ord–Ring-billed Gull.
Fairly common migrant.
58 Larus atricilla Linn.–Laughing Gull.
Rare migrant
59 Larus franklinii Sw. & Rich.–Franklin’s Gull.
Fairly common migrant.
69 Sterna forsteri Nutt.–Forster’s Tern.
Occasional migrant.
70 Sterna hirundo Linn.–Common Tern.
Rare migrant.
74 Sterna antillarum (Less.)–Least Tern.
Common migrant; occasional summer resident
77 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis (Gmel.)–Black Tern.
Common migrant; fairly common summer resident.
Order STEGANOPODES—The Totipalmate Swimmers
Family ANHINGIDAE–The Darters
118 Anhinga anhinga (Linn.)–Anhinga.
Accidental visitor; a single specimen shot near Omaha several years ago.
Family PHALACROCORACIDAE– -The Cormorants
120 Phalacrocorax dilophus (Swain.)–Double-crested Cormorant.
Migrant, not common.

Rare migrant.
Family PELECANIDAE–The Pelicans
125 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmel.–American White Pelican
Fairly common migrant
126 Pelecanus fuscus Linn.–Brown Pelican.
Rare migrant.
Order ANSERES–The Short-winged Swimmers
Family ANATIDAE–The Ducks, Brants, Geese, and Swans
129 Merganser americanus (Cass.)–American Merganser.
Common migrant.
130 Merganser serrator (Linn.)–Red-breasted Merganser.
Migrant, not common.
131 Lophodytes cucullatus (Linn.)–Hooded Merganser.
Migrant, not common.
132 Anas boschas Linn.—Mallard.
Abundant migrant; rare summer resident.
133 Anas obscura Gmel. – – Black Duck.
Migrant, not common

Common migrant.
136 Anas Penelope Linn.–Widgeon.
Seen at rare intervals in the markets, but probably brought from a distance.
137 Anas americana Gmel.–American Widgeon.
Common migrant.
139 Anas carolinensis Gmel.–Green-winged Teal.
Common migrant.
140 Anas discors Linn.–Blue-winged Teal.
Abundant migrant; rare summer resident.
141 Anas cyanoptera Vieill.–Cinnamon Teal.
Rare migrant.
142 Spatula clypeats (Linn.)–Shoveller.
Common migrant.
143 Dafila acuta (Linn.)—Pintail.
Abundant migrant.
144 Aix sponsa (Linn.)–Wood Duck.
Common migrant; occasional summer resident.
146 Aythya americana (Eyt.)–Red-head Duck.
Abundant migrant.
147 Aythya vallisneria (Wils.)—–Canvas-back Duck.
Common migrant.
148 Aythya marila nearctica Stejn.–Scaup Duck.
Common migrant.
149 Aythya affinis (Eyt.)–Lesser Scaup Duck.
Common migrant.
150 Aythya collaris (Donov.)–Ring-necked Duck.
Fairly common migrant.
151 Glaucionetta clangula americana (Bonap.)—Golden-eye.
Fairly common migrant.
152 Glaucionetta islandica (Gmel.)—Barrow’s Golden-eye.
Rare migrant.
153 Charitonetta albeola (Linn.)—Buffle-head.
Fairly common migrant.
154 Clangula hyemalis (Linn.)—Old-squaw Duck.
Found in market; doubtful.
155 Histrionicus histrionicus (Linn.)–Harlequin Duck.
“A rare migrant; two seen which were killed on the Missouri river. September 16th, 1893; one also killed on September 19th. 1895, on Florence Lake.” (Trostler)
167 Erismatura rubida (Wils.)—Ruddy Duck.
Irregular migrant.
169 Chen hyperborean (Pall.)–Lesser Snow Goose.
Abundant migrant.
169a Chen hyperborean nivalis (Forst.)–Greater Snow Goose.
Fairly common migrant.
169.1 Chen coerulescens (Linn.)–Blue Goose.
Migrant, not common.
171a Anser albifrons gambeli (Hartl.)–American White-fronted Goose.
Common migrant.
172 Branta Canadensis (Linn.)–Canada Goose.
Abundant migrant.
172a Branta Canadensis hutchinsii (Rich.)—Hutchins’ Goose.
Common migrant.
173 Branta bernicla (Linn.)–Brant.
Rare migrant.
180 Olor columbianus (Ord)–Whistling Swan.
Rare migrant.
181 Olor buchinator (Rich.)—Trumpeter Swam.
Rare migrant.
Order HERODIONES–The Herons, Bitterns, Cranes, etc.
Family IBIDAE–The Ibises
186 Plegadis autumnalis (Hasselq.)—Glossy Ibis.

“A straggler killed on Florence Lake, August 19th, 1893.”
Family ARDEIDAE–The Herons and Bitterns
190 Botaurus lentiginosus (Montag.)–American Bittern.
Common migrant; rare summer resident.
191 Ardetta exilis (Gmelin)–Least Bittern.
Common migrant; common summer resident.
194 Ardea Herodias Linn.–Great Blue Heron.
Common migrant; occasional summer resident.
196 Ardea egretta Gmelin–Great White Egret.
“A straggler was killed near Omaha, July 12th. 1894.” (Trostler)
197 Ardea candidissima Gmelin (Bruner)
200 Ardea coerulea Linn.–Little Blue Heron.
Rare migrant; possibly summer resident.
201 Ardea virescens (Linn.)–Great Heron.
Common summer resident.
202 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius (Bodd.)—Black-crowned Night Heron.
Rare migrant. Summer resident ? (Skow)
203 Nycticorax violaceus (Linn.)–Yellow-crowned Night Heron.
Order PALUDICOLAE–The Cranes, Rails, etc.
Family GRUIDAE–The Cranes
204 Grus americana (Linn.)–Whooping Crane.
Common migrant.
205 Grus canadensis (Linn.)–Little Brown Crane.
Rare Migrant.
206 Grus mexicana (Mull.)–Sandhill Crane.
Common migrant.
Family RALLIDAE–The Rails, Coots, and Gallinules
208 Rallus elegans Aud.–King Rail.
Summer resident, not common.
212 Rallus virginianus Linn.–Virginia Rail.
Common migrant.
214 Porzana Carolina (Linn.)–Carolina Rail.
Common migrant.
215 Porzana noveboracensis (Gmelin)–Yellow Rail.
216 Porzana jamaicensis (Gmelin)–Black Rail.
219 Gallinula galeata (Licht.)–Florida Gallinule.
Common migrant and summer resident.

Abundant migrant; formerly a common summer resident.
Order LIMICOLAE–The Shore Birds
Family PHALAROPIDAE–The Phalaropes
223 Phalaropus lobatus (Linn.)–Northern Phalarope.
Rare migrant.
224 Phalaropus tricolor (Vieill.)–Wilson’s Phalarope.
Common migrant.
Family RECURVIROSTRIDAE–The Avocets and Stilts
225 Recurvirostra amerciana Gmelin–American Avocet.
Fairly common migrant.
226 Himantopus mexicanus (Mull.)–Black-necked Stilt.
Migrant, not common.
Family SCOLOPACIDAE–The Snipes, Sandpipers, etc.
228 Philohela minor (Gmelin)—American Woodcock.
Rare summer resident and uncommon migrant.
230 Gallinago delicate (Ord)–Wilson’s Snipe.
Common migrant.
231 Macrorhamphus griseus (Gmelin)–Red-breasted Snipe.
Common migrant.
232 Macrorhamphus scolopaceus (Say)—Long-billed Dowitcher.
Migrant, not common.
233 Micropalama himantopus (Bonap.)–Stilt Sandpiper.
Migrant, not common.
234 Tringa canutus Linn.–Knot.
“A very rare migrant; one killed on Missouri river by a gunner September 30th, 1893.” (Trostler)
239 Tringa maculate Vieill—Jack Snipe.
Common migrant.
240 Tringa fuscicollis Vieill–White-rumped Sandpiper.
Rare migrant.
241 Tringa bairdii (Coues)–Baird’s Sandpiper.
Migrant, not common.
242 Tringa minutilla Vieill–Least Sandpiper.
Abundant migrant.
243a Tringa alpine pacifica (Coues)–Red-backed Sandpiper.
Fairly common migrant.
246 Eureunetes pusillus (Linn.)–Semipalmated Sandpiper.
Common migrant.
247 Eureunetes occidentalis Lawr.–Western Sandpiper.

Fairly common migrant.
249 Limosa fedoa (Linn.)–Marbled Godwit.
Common migrant.
254 Totanus melanoleucus (Gmel.)–Greater Yellow-legs.
Abundant migrant.
255 Totanus flavipes (Gmel.)–Yellow-legs.
Abundant migrant.
256 Totanus solitaries (Wils.)–Solitary Sandpiper.
Common migrant.
258a Symphemia semipalmata inornata Brewster–Western Willet.
Migrant, not common.
261 Bartramia longicauda (Bechst.)–Bartramian Sandpiper.
Common migrant, occasional summer resident.
262 Tringites subruficollis (Vieill)–Buff-breasted Sandpiper.
Rare migrant.
263 Acitus maoularia (Linn.)–Spotted Sandpiper.
Abundant migrant, common summer resident.
264 Numenius longirostris Wils.–Long-billed Curlew.
Common migrant.
265 Numenius hudsoniucus Lath.–Hudsonian Curlew.
Rare migrant.
266 Numenius borealis (Forst.)–Eskimo Curlew.
Common migrant.
Family CHARADRIIDAE–The Plovers
270 Charadrius squatarola (Linn.)–Black-bellied Plover.
Rare migrant.
272 Charadrius dominicus Mull.–Golden Plover.
Common migrant.
273 Aegialitus vocifera (Linn.)–Killdeer.
Abundant migrant, common summer resident.
274 Aegialitis semipalmata Bonap.–Semipalmated Plover.
Common migrant.
277a Aegialitis meloda circumcincta Ridgw.–Belted Piping Plover.
Rare migrant.
Order GALLINAE–The Gallinaceous Birds
Family TETRAONIDAE–The Grouse, Partridges, etc.
289 Colinus virginianus (Linn.)–Quail.
Formerly an abundant resident; still common, but numbers diminishing.
300 Bonasa umbellus (Linn.)–Ruffed Grouse
“Rare resident; one killed near Florence, November 4th, 1894, and several killed near Bellevue during winter of 1893.” (Trostler.)
305 Tympanuchus americana (Reich.)—Pinnated Grouse.
Resident, not common. Formerly abundant.
Meleagris gallopavo–
Order COLUMBAE–The Pigeons and Doves
Family COLUMBIDAE–The Pigeons
315 Ectopistes migratorius (Linn.)–Passenger Pigeon.
“A flock of fifteen was seen by Geo. W. Sabine, of Omaha, flying over his residence November 28th 1895.” (Trostler.)
316 Zenaidura macrouna (Linn.)–Mourning Dove.
Abundant summer resident.
Order RAPTORES–The Birds of Prey
Family CATHARTIDAE–The American Vultures
325 Cathartes aura (Linn.)–Turkey Vulture.
Fairly common summer resident. Several pairs nest each year in the woods south of Omaha.
Family FALCONIDAE–The Falcons, Hawks, Eagles, etc.
327 Elanoides forficatus (Linn.)–Swallow-tailed Kite.
Rare summer resident.

Jan. 15 – Omaha
Hanscom Park
brown creeper
Mar. 19 – Omaha
Griffin Farm
prairie horned lark
Lapland longapur
Mar. 26 – Omaha
Griffin Farm
prairie horned lark
Lapland longspur
Apr. 9 – Omaha
Hanscom Park; Griffin Farm
brown creeper
red-headed woodpecker
red-tailed hawk
white-rumped shrike
wn. Meadowlark
prairie horned lark
field sparrow
slate-colored junco
chipping sparrow
tree sparrow
downy woodpecker
Apr. 14 – Omaha
Hanscom Park
chipping sparrow
slate-colored junco
tree sparrow
screech owl
downy woodpecker
Oregon junco
Apr. 16 – Omaha
Hanscom Park
chipping sparrow
brown creeper
downy woodpecker
slate-colored junco
golden-crowned kinglet
red-bellied woodpecker
Apr. 22 – Omaha
Hanscom Park, Griffin Farm, Saddle Creek, Seymour Lake
chipping sparrow
golden-crowned kinglet
red-headed woodpecker
downy woodpecker
brown creeper
mourning dove
field sparrow
prairie horned lark
wn. meadowlark
300 Bonasa umbellus (Linn.)–Ruffed Grouse
“Rare resident; one killed near Florence, November 4th, 1894, and several killed near Bellevue during winter of 1893.” (Trostler.)
305 Tympanuchus americana (Reich.)—Pinnated Grouse.
Resident, not common. Formerly abundant.
Meleagris gallopavo–
Order COLUMBAE–The Pigeons and Doves
Family COLUMBIDAE–The Pigeons
315 Ectopistes migratorius (Linn.)–Passenger Pigeon.
“A flock of fifteen was seen by Geo. W. Sabine, of Omaha, flying over his residence November 28th 1895.” (Trostler.)
316 Zenaidura macrouna (Linn.)–Mourning Dove.
Abundant summer resident.
Order RAPTORES–The Birds of Prey
Family CATHARTIDAE–The American Vultures
325 Cathartes aura (Linn.)–Turkey Vulture.
Fairly common summer resident. Several pairs nest each year in the woods south of Omaha.
Family FALCONIDAE–The Falcons, Hawks, Eagles, etc.
327 Elanoides forficatus (Linn.)–Swallow-tailed Kite.
Rare summer resident.